Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Report

Santa was good to me this year. In addition to various other goods and goodies, I got some real gems. With everyone mellowing out after a late night and the flood of gift-giving, I thought I would take a moment to share some of my spoils with you.

A buddy in my gaming group who does a lot of thrift store shopping and always makes really good scores found a copy of the D&D Basic set in really good condition. The box is a bit dinged but the content are barely even cracked. It include a perfect copy of the rule book as well as a lovely complete B2. The only thing missing from the box would appear to be the original D10 and the crayon.
The Fiend Folio is another nice gift from the same friend. It's in perfect condition. I already had one, my original copy from back in the day, but it was worn, dirty, marked in and just generally loved. Fiend Folio holds a special place ion my heart as it was the very first D&D product I owned.

The styro cutter is something I have been wanting for a long time. This will come in handy working on the various foam board projects I'm been wanting to do but just never had the right tool to get started. I've have great access to foam insulation board, but no way to cut it effectively! Now I do.


The last really noteworthy items are a pare of Alien Legion trade paperbacks. The first is Volume 1 of the Omnibus Edition of the series. I loved this series when it came out. I read it and gamed it using a variation of the D6 Star Wars system back in the day. I wish I still had the pages upon pages of new characters that my friends and I made up for our gaming enjoyment. Alas, I was never one of those organized people who still has tons of stuff from their childhood and youth. The Tenants of Hell trade paperback combines the original materials from the Tenants of Hell mini series and the Jugger Grimrod one-off.

On a side-note, I am considering an Alien Legion port of the Stars Without Number system. The Old School feel of those rules and the detailed sci  fi setting materials seems perfect for as wide open a setting as Alien Legion was.

I hope everyone else had as fun a Christmas as I did. Everyone ended up thrilled with their gifts this year and I don't think we had a single dud under the tree.

Merry Christmas everyone!



  1. Styrocutter! Wild. Do you wear a gas mask when using those? Makes me want to rig up an electrified coat hanger between some cinder blocks and start chopping. :D

  2. Speaking as a theatre geek who has made extensive use of a styrocutter, one probably should use a facemask.

    And an Alien Legion campaign sounds delightful.

  3. I have a very drafty garage to work in as well as a strong fan. A mask will be worn as well.


  4. Alien Legion is a great series! It was one of my favorites!

  5. Alien Legion is the best, bar none, hands down! I'd be interested in what you might cook up RPG-wise...

  6. It is a great series. If I did anythign it would likely be very basic. I'm not an authority enough on AL to do anythign comprehensive. I'll leave that to the super fanboys who have the resources and time to do real netbooks :)


  7. I'm also a big fan of Alien Legion! I've got the first two volumes in the series. I always thought that Star Frontiers was perfect to run an AL themed game.

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  8. I wish someone would make a series of figs for AL in 28mm. There is so much possibility. There are some proxies. But a set would be great.

  9. I have decided that I am going to do a version of AL as a squad for Tau in 40K Kill Team games.


  10. I use a steakknife. Not because I would rather use one but because I do not have a styro cutter. Color me green with gamer terrain building envy.

  11. Ah, Jugger Grimrod. How I miss you.


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