I cranked this quick kitbash out while ago. After spending an eternity trying to find a good sized Batman Tumbler that I could easily cannibalize, I pulled the upper shell off and proceeded to slap this and that onto it. The engines are various prescription bottles. The overall vehicle includes kid's candy dispensers, 15mm WW2 weapons and assorted straws, tubes and other bits and pieces. It should be noted that this is before I paint it and that it is not a solid construction. It will never hold up to close scrutiny of close inspection, but it will look good sitting on the table.

The ship is supposed to represent an armored dropship or lander of some sort, perhaps even a mercenary/pirate pinnace or similar type of ship. The oddly angled rocket pods are supposed to be remote rocket mortars for supporting troops as they disembark from the ship. The figures shown are three of 15mm.uk's space mercenary figures.
I think it will look very good as a focus point for the dropped marines.
ReplyDeleteThat's looking mighty fine - it's going to be a serious beast when laying down supportive fire - can't wait to see it painted!
ReplyDeleteLooks good to me! I didn't even realize it was a Batman model until you pointed it out.
ReplyDeleteI can almost here it now, "Dad, have you seen my Batmobile?".
Looking good, my friend! I imagine it will draw a lot of fire, just because it is big and scary looking. That can be a tactical advantage if you have already off-loaded the troops.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys!
ReplyDeleteI am happy to report that none of my children's toys suffered for the production of this vehicle. It was built from a remote control Tumbler found in a thrift store. The motor didn't work anymore.
I should also note that this particular toy is not proportionate to the vehicle in the movies and is a bit squished length-wise and taller in profile. I'm still hoping to get one of the Tumblers made for the action figures as they are bigger and lower slung.
My thoughts for using this was more of a terrain piece than anything. I see it used in assulat, "get to the chopper", and other such scenarios.
Nice re-purposing here! I may have to track a Tumbler down and emulate what you've done here, it looks good...
ReplyDeleteNice work!