The folks at The Goblin Factory were kind enough to send me some pics of some of their upcoming releases and gave me permission to post them. For those of you who may not be familiar with The Goblin Factory, they are manufacturers of fantasy figs that fall into the true 25mm scale. This means they are a bit slighter in overall proportion and slightly smaller than the current crop of 28mm. The cool thing about their stuff is that their choice of subject matter doesn't keep them off limits to other scales.

A good example of this principal is their goblins, available both armored and unarmored, on foot and mounted on wolves, measure in at about 15-18mm, so while they make excellent goblins in 25/28mm they can serve as savage orcs in 15mm. The animation in their figures is awesome, and the goblins really do look incredibly savage and wicked. The unarmored goblins are sculpted with their weapons but no shields while some of the armored goblins have shields and others do not. The nice thing about this is that you can easily add shields if desired.

The pics accompanying this post depict their new lines of kobolds and half-men (halflings), sculpted by Mike Broadbent that they have ready to go. According to Don at GF, the kobolds in this range hearken back to the classic AD&D kobolds with their doggish features and horns, a touch of nostalgic class that I can get behind. Of the half-men, he says that they scale well with the halfling figs from the GW Lord of the Rings range, which is a cool thing because the number of hobbits in that range is sorely limited.

The half-men, as seen in the pic above and below, do really seem to offer something that hasn't been put out there in great numbers - militant halflings. Though I'd love to see some The Goblin Factory half-men armed with farm tools, and civilian improvised weapons, these gent look grand with their pikes, long axes, and typical melee weapons. There are even command armored with bills, standing posed either en garde or, as you can see in the pic below, as sergeants. These are hobbits ready to defend their shire to the end.

I think the Goblin Factory range looks very nice and am considering using their goblins in some of my VSF gaming as savage otherworldly denizens. GF sells their minis separately or in sets which is great for those looking to pick up just a few figs or to amass whole units. I am currently awaiting my first few sample figs from Don and will post a review of them once I have a chance to look at them in the flesh.
Take care all,
Take care all,
[Note: Some of these pics are pretty large and had to be shrunk down to fit on the blog. You should be able to get a bigger, more detailed image if you click on any of them.]
Digging those pikes. I always thought that halflings or hobbits or whatever you wanna call them ought to use polearms. They need every bit of reach they can get!
ReplyDeleteGood stuff. Your industry connections are pretty impressive, Eli.
They do look good and your logic is right-on. There isn't much to my "connections", really. I really hesitate to call them that. I'm just a communicator and have never been afraid to reach out and connect with people when I can.
He is in at the Ground Floor with BAP,
ReplyDeleteI hope some people keep an eye on him, he is troubel.
Ah! The long-awaited halflings. I've been checking his site off and on for a while now, hoping to see these in production. Thanks for posting the pics.
ReplyDeleteConsidering the huge number of halflings in the release, I can only imagine he must have been biding his time until the entire range was done.