Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Too Crazy For Minis? - Part Two

So, in part one, I presented the basic concept, the history behind my attempts to make this idea turn into lead and even discussed the rationale and specifics of what I am looking for. Interestingly enough, the couple of comments I received seemed to repeat the general confusion over the specifics of what I am looking for that have always come up when this idea is discussed.

What I am looking for is not a humanoid lizard/dino but an alien that has the shape of one of the raptoroid dinosaurs and has evolved in that same shape. They haven't gone upright, and they haven't changed to have more human faces. About the only changes might be minor and mostly inperceptible differences in hands, postue, limb length etc.

To aid in the understanding of the project, I present the following concept drawings that I came up with on my own -


  1. Nice work! And thanks for the neat link in part 1.

  2. Very cool! I'd love to see these in mini form too. Short of building your own forge--can you submit these somewhere?

  3. Thanks for the compliments on the art. I'm a little unsure on the anatomy here. I was doing these from memory at work.

    @Jay - I've posted them twice in the last ten years to Eureka's 300 Club and they never went anywhere. When I posted them to TMP for discussion, there was a ton of confusion over the concept and very little if no interest in putting something like them into production.

    As Part One of this post pointed out, a lot of people seem to think I am looing for humanoid dinos, lizardmen etc.

    All this said, I did find a bit of a nibble in my email box this morning. Too soon to really make any judgements on, but we'll see.


  4. Very Nice! They remind of that part in Jurasic Park, you know the one I'm talking about. Good luck.

  5. Nice artwork, as usual. You make me sick with talent envy. Oh well, at least I'm pretty.

    I do have a better idea what you mean now. The TSR/WOTC RPG Alternity had a race that might interest you called the T'Sa or something like that. Chicken-legged (yes, I know that's not the correct term, but I am barely into my first cup of coffee) reptiles with crests and a love of technology. Dunno if any minis were ever made, and they would probably be 25mm, but...

    I'll be in the vendor hall this morning, for a good bit. I'll see what I can find for ya. I wonder if 10mm or 6mm Tyrannosaurs exist/ might work?

  6. Very good stuff. Love it. I think the concept is a good one too.

  7. Thanks for the positive feedback here. This time around my art was servicing a purpose other than just cool pictures and it seems to have succeded.

    The idea that I am reaching for seems to be a bit clearer after the presnetation of these images.


  8. Sent off some stuff in the mail to you today. Might be something in there to help with this project.

  9. Too bad that I just saw this. They look fantastic but I have one small critique: the weapons look too human. Not in the graphics dept. but in functional design. These raptoroids don't have the same shoulders that we human have so these weapons look a little awkward. But this is a very nice concept.


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