Friday, July 9, 2010

Primaeval Designs = Amazing!

As a self-avowed prehistoric fanboy, I was absolutely floored to find the Primaeval Designs page on Facebook. I had heard their name passed around, but as I haven't the time to game in those genres or scales, I put it on the "to-do" list and forgot about it. Again, I am glad I found their FB page.

If you don't know of them, they are a miniatures sculpting group that is marketing themselves under the Acheson Creations banner much like Arrow Miniatures had down before with it's lovely line of terrain. Primaeval is in the process of creating an extensive line of what they refer to as "natural history miniatures" with gamers in mind. This includes a wide variety of animals from today and yesterday. They offer prehistoric mammals and dinosaurs as well as African animals. They even have 28mm prehistoric hominids in the works.

They plan on working in both 28mm and in 15mm (not released yet) which is cool, but so far they have released only a handful of what they have greens for. If you want to really see what is coming up, take a peak at their Facebook gallery and I'm sure you will find yourself suitably amazed. The level of detail and animation in their animals is splendid and they have avoided some of the tired tropes that have plagued some animal minis in the past. There is action in the poses, waterline river animals, feathered and smooth-skinned dinos and chimps that do not look like circus animals.

28mm Nanotyrannus

One last thing that caught my eye was the pricing on their creations. I am not entirely up to speed on animal minis, but they seemed pretty reasonable for the quality of sculpts. So far their price range runs from about $6 for a pair of 28mm prehistoric cheetahs to $38 for a 28mm Spinosaurus. They have a giant ape in 28mm for Pulp RPG purposes that comes in at $20. You can get three 28mm Dinonychus for $8. These prices are for unpainted minis. If you are not the sort to paint your own or your are getting them for cellecting not gaming, they do offer painted and "collectors" editions for an increased price.

I have to say I am quite happy with their opening works and hope they have a successful career bringing us all top notch beasties for our games.

Check them out and say hey!



  1. Nice to see Primaeval spelt the old-fashioned way - I was beginning to think that I was the only person that spelt it thus.

    Now, if I can just get mediaeval to come back into fashion...

  2. They certainly are - excuse me being a bit of a word nerd there.

    I did a dinosaurs v trolls and ogres SNFC a few months back - now we can do it for real with the figs.

    Of course, what it really means is that we've got an excuse for 'arranging' for parties to get sent to the arena to fight the entire cast list of Walking with Dinosaurs!

  3. Now I can get a really big lizard when I do my miniatures version of Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock!

  4. Cool figs...hmmm...weren't there Dinosaurs on the Isle of Dread?

  5. Indeed there were!. Isle of Dread was D&D's nod to Lost Worlds everywhere with tribesmen, dinos, giant apes, even cool lemur men wielding daggers in their tails.

  6. Had my eye on this company as well. One of these days I'm going to do prehistoric big game hunting with my son. Of course, by that time, he will probably have outgrown his prehistoric fascination...

  7. The important thing is really whether or not he's still interested in gaming. If he is, he'll likely game whatever comes along, especially if pops is providing the lead.

    I say collect away. Even if he turns away from the hobby, you still have cool dinos that you can throw at Gyro and friends.


  8. They had these in their booth at Historicon this past weekend.

    Trust me when I say the photos are not as impressive as the actual items. They are... amazing.

  9. Richard, the sculptor is an awesome guy and has been kind enough to email back and forth with me on a casual basis.

    The rate at which he turns out sculpts and the quality of those sculpts is pretty damned impressive.


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