Saturday, July 9, 2011

Trash Troll

I don't know if it's my artistic eye, a good mind for the abstract, or some portent of evil, insanity, or both but I found this sinister fellow staring back at me from an office restroom the other day.

The funny thing is, I cannot help but feel that this sort of thing is likely to have been the origin of many of humanity's myths and legends. The human eye loves a pattern and a superstitious mind will put a meaning to that pattern. Had this been wrinkles in tree's bark and I some ancient world fellow, I'd very likely have thought the place haunted, cursed, blessed or whatever.

Take care!



  1. I have often wondering something similar to your exact thoughts. How many times has something in our modern world been off, but our modern scientific mind covers it with reason and logic. Take that away and throw in superstition and wow, some crazy thoughts would have resulted.

  2. He must be a troll--he's definitely vulnerable to fire.

  3. I thought it looked sort of like a holy woman with a head scarf doing that arms wide/head down blessing thing

  4. I'm seeing a time-weary, old wizard with sagging eyes and jaw slightly agape.

  5. Could be a good Shadowrun enemy :)

  6. I see some kind of kung-fu witch chick.

  7. It looks like the Sorting Hat from Harry Potter. Just first impression.

  8. OMG - It's out to get me!!! *jumps in cover..

    haha - really nice one :D

  9. Thank goodness it wasn't toilet paper...


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