Friday, June 17, 2011

Sculpting Update - More Aliens and Uhul

Sculpting has been continuing here at ISLP. A lot of this is still in the realm of practice and I've likely tossed as many projects as I have finished (likely more). I thought you might like to see some of the WIP shots of the various things I'm playing with.

These first two froggy fellows are two of three figures representing some large 15mm space pirate sorts inspired by a semi-popular science fiction TV series. I must say that the cobbled together gear and less than perfect attire of these aliens has allowed me a lot of fun and variety in the sculpting I get to do on them. I am sculpting the weapons freehand on these as they don't really have to match.

The next three are two new WIP as well as a conversion on one of the metal masters of one of my original sculpts, the Vergan from The Vergan has been given a sort of retro ray gun style weapon. The other two miniatures are destined for use as other unarmed characters for scifi games.

This is a quick shot of the modified Vergan from the front along with a couple of familiar faces from past posts. The Vergan's weapons is still a WIP but the idea was some sort of sonic weapon as seen in early scifi RPGs such as Traveller and Star Frontiers.

And I think you all can figure out what these are. These feathered fellows have proven popular enough with myself as well as others to warrant continued practice and development. I have tried to go with a more solid substructure on the outside two in hopes that it will help produce more animated figures.




  1. These are looking fantastic. It's awesome to see you progressing along at such a good clip.

  2. Always nice to see sculpts in the work in progress stage, especially when they are so good looking and in 15mm too. Will these be winging their way over to

  3. Oh Wow, Eli. These look good - the frog dudes look a little like the guy on the cover of AE: Bounty which is good as I want some frog dudes as characters, especially if they have long coats.

    I really like the unarmed alien civilians and more Uhul is great.

  4. Fancy gicing us wannabees a tutorial some time Eli? I'd love to be able to do that.

  5. Thanks everyone for the kind and encouraging words.

    @Mik - It's still a lot of hit and miss for me. So there has been progresss but the consistency still isn't there.

    @Haarken - At this point anything that I feel is worth seeing the light of day is being offered up to Not everything will neccesarily go into production.

    @Kobold - The froggy dudes are not planned as having long coats. The unarmed civilians are a personal favorate for me. Many of them can easily be armed in the aftermarket too.

    @Brian - I am not much out of the wannabe stage myself. I'm still learning quite a bit but I might just do an "anybody can sculpt" post. It really is not the super secret mystical art that I thought it was. Best thing I can suggest is, just do it.


  6. I think the froggies are coming along especially nicely.

    A suggestion for when you want to do identical weapons: sculpt the weapon separately and then cast it yourself in resin at home. It isn't that hard for most parts. Then you can just cut it to fit the sculpt as needed. Might even do it in pieces (barrel, receiver, stock).

  7. Did I mention the froggies are especially cool? And new Uhul is a Good Thing.

  8. Looking good! Nobody appears to have IDed them, but the froggy guys are the Sheyang from Farscape episode PK Tech Girl.

  9. I love this creature so much
    Hope it'll be moulded!

  10. Fjodin,

    He's progressed a bit since that early picture.



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