Saturday, April 30, 2011

Nominated Thrice

Trying not to take this too seriously, but I feel obligated to at least to at least show my appreciation. Meatball over at My Dice Hate Me!  nominated me in his list of blogs for the Sylish Blogger. Meatball runs a tight blog with lots of nice eye candy. Warhammer in both 40K and Fantasy flavors as well as Privateer Press games make appearances there.

Thanks Meatball!



  1. That's awesome.

    I have to admit I only recently discovered you blog. I know you've been following mine for a bit and I make a point to check out the blogs of those that follow mine, but must have missed yours.

    My apologies, sir. You do run a fine blog.


  2. I was just about to hit the publish button, so you better make that 4 times!

  3. Awwww thanks. But part of the rules is back-linking to the person who nominated you. I don't think I'm allowed to count yours :)



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