Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Goodbye, Sarah Jane.

Elisabeth Sladen
1948  -  2011

   If you know me, you know a few things about me: 1) I love my family, friends and God, 2) I love gaming, in all its many forms, 3) I love science fiction, and 4) I'm an Anglophile.  Combine 3) and 4), and you know I am a Whovian (think "Trekkie," but WAY cooler).

  If you, too are a Whovian, you know who Elisabeth Sladen was: Sarah Jane Smith, one of the Doctor's most beloved Companions. She died on Tuesday, at the age of 63.


  1. That's terrible news. She was my favorite of all the Doctor's companions.

    Spartan 117

  2. Tom Baker was always my favorite Doctor, and Sarah Jane was always my favorite companion. I was very sorry to hear that.

  3. Tom & Liz were THE Doctor Who team that got me hooked many years ago. This is a tragic loss to her family, friends and the Dr Who world.

  4. I'm a Wholigan but it's the same thing. Sarah was always my favorite companion, and the first one that I grew up with. She will be sorely missed.

  5. Elizabeth Sladen lived round the corner from me when I was in my early teens.

    Met her face to face once and was instantly smitten.



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