Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Imagi-Nation Blog

Chad Thorson of Maximum Rock and Role Playing blog fame has started a lovely new blog, named For Queen and Country or Manifest Larceny, where he will be chronicling his adventures in imagi-nations and other VSF fun. It's brand spanking new but if he attacks like he has his other projects, we should be seeing some lovely bits about New Erin, The Roghriders on Mars, and other strangeness in no time at all.

Great stuff Chad!



  1. Thanks for the plug, buddy! Hopefully we'll hear about the Republic of Hawaii on it too!

  2. VSF = Victorian Science Fiction, but Imagi-Nations = ?

  3. Okay, "romana1" is my wife. I actually asked that.

  4. Ha! I'm not the only one who forgets to check which ID is logged in before they comment.

    Imagi-nations is a term that has been coined for fictional nations that have been created and inserted into actual historical settings or genres.

    Sometimes they are visions of what might have been, given a particular twist in history. Other times they are complete fabrications, often used when somebody wants to play in a particular historical period but wants to make it up as they go along.

    For an example of some action in an imagi-nation, check out the link on this blog to my Alcovian Civil War blog. This is a blog that describes a very real style civil war in a completely fictional Balkan state.



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