Monday, January 31, 2011

What Was I Doing Again?

It has occurred to me recently that I am pretty much stalled out on every single gaming front. I am not role-playing. I am not miniatures gaming. I haven't painted, built or even done much in the way of world-building. Sadly, this also means I haven't had much to blog about either which has left this place dusty and mistreated.

The problem I seem to be having is one of focus. I cannot seem to grab onto any one thing long enough to accomplish anything with the exception of my sculpting which seems to suck up all my gaming energies. I have projects I want to work on but the mood and/or motivation escapes me. What's worse is that when I do have mood and motivation, I seem to find myself in a state of analysis paralysis that halts me in my endeavors.

All of this is most vexing.

I believe part of the problem is that despite grand plans, I still have yet to manage a proper place to work on my hobbies in the new house. Also, my schedule has changed some and I find more of my free time happening when the rest of the family is available. Not a bad thing in itself, but certainly not conducive to getting things done on the hobby front.

If you will forgive the grumblings of a frustrated gamer, I'll continue by saying that we discovered that the garage, in its current state, is practically unusable in the winter, being so ill-insulated that I feared my paints might freeze. This has put organizational efforts and the creation of a gaming/hobby space on hold. I have been allotted plenty of storage space in the garage, but so far no place to put a work bench or table.

Anyhow, enough griping. It is clear that I need to find some way to work through my various projects though the way eludes me at this time.

Thanks for listening,



  1. Suck it up big

    I do this too. I jump because it keeps me motivated to work EVERY Day. If I forced my efforts to just one sculpture it would get to a point where I would mess the figure up. It is far better...for hop and in this way at least get a little something done all of the time. One day I will find myself surrounded by dozens of COMPLETED will happen in about a month, when all of the last little details will be done. I will be, okay all of these are done now.
    You do the same thing...but it sounds like you are in a rut too. I suggest listening to music and/or watching a film on the current topic, and getting your kids any way you can.

    From my experience we all get in these situations.

    Just try to keep it fun man...FUN!


  2. This happens to me every couple of years but it comes back as long as nothing stupid happens like selling your figures (which I have done),its a funk I believe most hobbyists go through.

  3. I hate when that happens.

    Look on the bright side, though: When you come back to hobbying, you'll be refreshed and rejuvenated, and full of those nifty little ideas that you loved having in the first place.

  4. I went through that from March till November of 2010 - it probably didn't help that I bought a Harley either. If the garage was heated, I'd probably be splitting my time 50/50 on bike upgrades and painting minis.

    Don't force yourself, follow your muse. Right now, I'm on a painting binge - did 39 fantasy figures/GW figures in a month, about to do the same, maybe more in Feb with my 3 DBA armies. I'll burn out, and go back to it later.

    And your skills are still there.

  5. Thanks for the encouragement guys.

    I know it will pass. Sometimes venting it helps too and that is what this is.

    You can only vent to the wife so much before she starts the eye rolling. Gamer wife or not.

  6. All will be well. I, too, have been in something of a slump, at least as far as my primary projects are concerned. We are doing some D&D3.5 these days, and I have been buying lead, but that doesn't help my problem.

    However, going to OwlCon this past weekend has kind of stirred the pot up a bit. I am percolating some more. And I saw a really inspirational treatment of His Imperial Majesty Tsar Nikolas II's VSF aarmy on LAF.

    Give it a bit of time, keep sculpting, and things will come back into focus.

  7. It'll be OK Eli. I've been in a slump gaming wise too except for the convention and I've put everything on the backburner for WTNW Core release. Now that it's going out we're playing tonight. BTW do not forget your involvement with WTNW and ACG. I am quite happy with your help and very happy to have your art!

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