Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Devlin Mud is Magic

So, after dragging my feet for a bit, I finally went out and bought a couple bottle of Games Workshop's Devlin Mud wash. It has now been a couple of month's since buying it and I have finally had a chance to use some of it. I have to say that I am happy with it.

I found that a quick, one might even say sloppy, application to a few basically painted figures really added a lot and got the figures in good order. This is a real boon for me who really doesn't feel the desire to put in the time to paint my figs to really high standards but doesn't want them looking dog ugly on the table.

Yay Devlin Mud!



  1. I agree - the GW Washes are fantastic. My own favourites being Black and Sepia.

    Both the Sepia and Green washes have frozen during the recent cold snap and have left a 'Slushie' mess in the small tubs. Has anyone else experienced this?


  2. I agree, it was very surprising to me that it seemed almost like Army Painter without the need to clean my brush in Metho.

  3. I've used the washes since I started painting again.

    T think they are great.

    Recently I've started using Delvan Mud to wash gold, it looks brilliant.

  4. Sorry fot the's early yet! :)

  5. Apparently I can't do much right this morning...

  6. Most of my paints are the 94 cent bottles from Hobby Lobby, but the washes, I will spend the money. I have I think all of them except Sepia and I'm very impressed. They work great.

    @Tony - I've not ran into that, but the new batch has a smell that just is nasty.

    @Kilted - I'd been using black for washing gold - I'll give brown a try!

  7. finding Devlin Mudd is like finding Texas Tea.

    I use it a lot and it is a great general wash for grunginess

  8. If you can't afford or want to make big batches of a Devlin Mud-like wash, my magic wash for my big batches o'goblins/orcs/nasties:
    1 part Mississippi Mud (or equivalent paint from the 94 cent rack)
    1 part Future Floor Wax
    4 parts water

    Mix. Store. Wash. :)

  9. Devlin Mud is magic. Oh it surely is. But don't discount the value of Gryphonne Sepia either.

  10. I was just going to say Gryphone Sepia but beaten to it. I'd also like to promote Windsor and Neton PEAT ink. Brilliant!


  11. Well, I suppose I need to purchase some of this miracle stuff. A local friend raves about it as well, and I like the looks of his work.

    Currently, I am using Minwax stain. The plus side is that it also gives you a nice poly coat for protection. The minus is that I only use cheap brushes to glop it on, so that I can chuck them out afterwards and not have to 'bovver' cleaning them.

    Am I bovvered? Don't think so.

  12. The thing is, they all have their place. I often use a combination of the mediums and still surprised every time by the effects that can be achived that used to take hours per miniature.


  13. Devlin Mud, Devils Mud to me, as it is devilishly good.

    Badab Black, should be called Badass Black, awesome what it can do.

    Ogryn Flesh, well it's great.

    Gryphon Sepia is brilliant too.


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