Thursday, December 16, 2010

I've started another OSR game recently. This time I'm playing with my oldest daughter, her dad (she's a step-child, technically), and his girlfriend. Overall this is a group put together for her benefit with the adults being there to back her up.

Anyhow, the first adventure I ran them out on, I decided to go big and have fun with a serious dungeon crawl. I went with this map (shown right) that I found on A Character for Every Game. This is an amazing dungeon with a lot of interesting character and some complex twists and turns.

As of the end of the first sessions they had entered the dungeon through stairs at the middle of the lower part of the map and fought their way past the hobgoblins, goblins, and kobolds that were standing guard in that first cluster of rooms. They barricaded the well after hobgoblin reinforcements tried coming up it and had just headed westward where they encountered an ogre supported by a shaman.

We had to end there but we had a great time and using this wonderful map made my job as DM all the more entertaining.

Game on!



  1. Awesome family gaming!
    Cool Dungeon too!

  2. If you post up your fully stocked version (when you are done stocking it), I'll link to it from my blog. I'm looking for people who have stocked my dungeons.

    Glad you are enjoying it. It remains one of my favourite maps.

  3. Well, a fully stocked version would be quite the post and I am loathe to post it to the blog as my players read the blog, but I can certainly make it available to you after we're finished.


  4. I want to see it stocked too! It's my favorite map, so when you're done, you have to make it available!

  5. Wow, no pressure :)

    I was actually sort of winging it.

    Maybe I'll have to stock it just for fun.



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