Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Do Not Like Painting

After many years, I have finally had to accept that I do not like painting miniatures. I love playing wargames, I love converting, even sculpting new figures, but the act of painting is tedious for me. I am amazed and awed by people who can really get into the art of it, but for me all that is lost and I find myself rushing through paint jobs, if I bother at all.

As a really good example of this is my old Imperial Guard army for 40K which I must have had for pushing a decade and barely touched brush to metal. So, by the time I finally sold the huge force which pointed out at about 6,000 points under 3rd edition rules, it was known as "The Pewter Legion". Whoever it was who bought that off of me on EBay got themselves a pretty sweet army starter for sure.

Even now, I have a huge Troll Blood for Hordes that are unpainted as well as countless historical, fantasy and scifi figs. I do have rare fits of motivation that allow me to accomplish some amount of painting, but overall, I'm not a fan.



  1. I'm 100% with you there. I can convert and assemble dozens of minis with great enthusiasm, but when it comes to painting, I typically hit a wall. It's actually one of the reasons I went with Orks for so long; they are very forgiving of a low-detail, low-discipline painting style like mine. I've got 2K points of Space Wolves growling at me sullenly because they've been sitting around bare of paint for months now.

  2. I will say that Space Wolves, being all grey, are pretty forgiving.

    I am thinking of trading conversion services for painting or something.


  3. I go in spurts myself (as evidenced by my blog) where sometimes I want to paint and othertimes I just want to pay someone else to paint or buy already painted figs

  4. Unfortunately I agree as well. Although my painting is improving, I do not enjoy it. I love playing - but hate painting!


  5. What?? Painting is the best part. It's so relaxing. I'm like 99% paint and 1% game. I always dream of gaming more, but as soon as I have painted enough minis for a game, I jump to a completely different project that needs more painting.

  6. This is so true! I love it when I have finished a miniature, but actually painting it is a tedious task.
    Maybe this is just due to having not enough time for this part of the hobby. I won't start painting if I just have an hour available.

  7. You will not get arrested and thrown into jail for using unpainted miniatures you know.

    I prefer painted figures on the table but its the game that counts and if some-one fields bare metal I will happily go with it - unless they beat me :-)

    Main blog:

  8. Eli, if you haven't tried dipping give it a crack. Good results can be had for minimal effort.

  9. Your all heretics! I'm sending the boys round with paint-pots and brushes. They'll break a lead leg every minute till you start putting brush to metal.
    -The Painting Mafia.

  10. You see, I think one needs to be good at it, to find it relaxing. For me, I struggle with brish control and achieving the desired effect.

    I realize that I can play without painting my minis, and I do, but I would like to have them painted. It is just a chore for me. Paying somebody to do it is not an option, unfortunately.

  11. My desire for painted figures on the table overrides my aversion to painting itself.

    It's kind of a love/hate relationship, but painting is definitely a necessary evil of the hobby.

  12. @Steve,

    I have heard a lot about the "dip" method but know very little about it. Any advice or hints on how to go about it and what is best to use?

  13. Eli, I am a big proponent of dipping, although I don't always use it. Just block paint your figures and wash with GW's Devlin Mud. That's how I have my kids painting, look through those posts.

    I really like to paint. I also really like to complete stuff. That makes armies and projects difficult to complete, as I get frustrated after several figures because i don't seem to be making progress on the overall goal.

  14. Thanks Andy!

    Between you and a few others I think I am sold on dipping.

    Sad part is, I'd rather sculpt a new miniature than paint:)


  15. Really? I always thought you were into painting them too.

    Painting minis is what got me into the hobby. I started with American Civil War minis by Minifigs. Unfortunately I don't have as much time to do them, but I do enjoy the art of painting them.

  16. I agree. I can't stand painting intricate models. I prefer models with flat areas and no creases.


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