Friday, October 15, 2010

Uhul 3
The Returning - In 3D

A couple of weeks ago I decided to take the plunge and try to make the move from just simple consumer of miniatures, to creator of them. This was about the time that I had sketched the original drawings that became the idea for the Uhul. So, continuing on the momentum of that creative outburst, I decided that my first 100% original miniatures sculps would be of some Uhul. Though I am not finished with them and had been wanting desperately to keep them secret until finished, I could not do so and have decided to post the first completed figure and some WIP shots of a couple more of the eight Uhul that I am working on.

I have never sculpted before beyond the sometimes substantial conversions on existing figures and started this project not really knowing what I was doing beyond the years of accumulated second hand knowledge that I think most of us minis gamer have about the art of sculpting miniatures. I have had the benefit of a few pieces of wisdom and advice from a couple of working sculptors I have the pleasure of knowing, but for the most part this has all been a matter of accumulated experience, trial and error, and a lot of plain luck. The total time spent working on these has been about 3-4 hours two to three days a week spread over several figures at once to allow for hardening time, reflection and the correction of mistakes. I am sculpting them in 15mm scale, making them about 20mm in height due to the monstrous stature of the Uhul.

I don't think they are coming along all that bad so far. The pictures here really don't do the figures justice. The grey stuff doesn't like the light from the flash all that well and I'm no photographer. I have turned up the contrast on these images to bring out the details. The Uhul being covered in feathers/fur, bones and hides doesn't leave them with a lot of crisp sharp lines (one of the reasons they were the first project. I am hoping to improve enough to eventually get to the point where I can sculpt a marketable miniature but that is likely a matter of years. Until then, I will be content to sculpt monstrosities for my own games and perhaps my friends if they should ask really nice.




  1. Looking forward to seeing the finished versions of these!

  2. Very cool, they look like they're coming along nicely. I've thought about doing a little mini sculpting too - still have a cylinder of beeswax from a few months ago waiting for me to get some decent tools. Maybe one of these days...

  3. LOL those are awesome! I was not expecting that!! Are you going to make some castings available for sale?

  4. Thanks folks. I did pick a bit of an easy project to start with.

    @DS - What were you expecting?

    As for castings that would only happen one of two ways. Either somebody takes an interest and buys them or I find the means to do so. The second option will likely take some time and by then I should be able to produce better minis.


  5. Eli, those look really cool! I'd be interested if you do a casting.

  6. Heck, if anybody knows anyone who can do molds and casting on the cheap, I might consider it, if people actually want them.


  7. Oh, another thought: I thought (from one of your sketches) that the Uhul were like 4-armed owlbears. I see now that I was wrong (he was merely sitting cross-legged). But the one with his arms raised above his head could have an extra pair of arms added, and made some sort of "Gods-chosen Champion" or the like. That would be wicked cool.


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