Thursday, October 28, 2010

Putty Resupply Received!

To keep myself sculpting I need putty and my new supply of putty arrived just in the nick of time. I have literally been scraping the wrapper of my grey stuff to get enough putty to continue working. Oddly enough, I ended this last batch with quite a bit more white putty left over which has me wondering if I have been mixing it wrong. It's been working, so I can only figure that I must have been mixing it softer than usual.

So, now I have a nice giant tube of green stuff and another package of grey stuff. I haven't tried sculpting with green stuff, but I'm hoping that the increase in firmness will help me with maintaining the finish of the model. The grey stuff seems to pick up every single last bump or touch from anything it comes in contact with.

While I'm on the the subject, I thought I might post a few pics of some new sculpting projects that I can only call mutant and freaks. Though I have been thinking of them as 15mm scale menaces, these figures could also work in 28mm.



  1. what brand of putty do you use?


  2. I like the mutants. Good work there...

    Now you need to learn how to make the molds and cast them!

  3. Great stuff, Eli. You seem to sculpt as well as you draw. I hate people with talent. >:( ;-)

  4. Eli,
    I amn really digging your stuff!

  5. High praise coming from you Mike. Thank You!


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