Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Gamer Daddy Moment #245

No, I don't really keep count, but there are a lot of them.

As a miniatures gamer who likes to do things on the cheap, I have a tendancy to collect recycled containers, packaging, and other interesting and "useful" shaped items. A week or so back, my kids and I did our typical payday visit to the local deli counter for a warm deli food take home lunch and we neded up with a couple of plastic snap-top bowls. Of course, I wanted to keep the bowls as they would make good building materials or storage for flocking, etc.

The fun part is that my youngest daughter (7) take the two lids and puts them together and starts to explain how I could build a flying saucer for my games. She ointed out that with the addition of some landing gear and one of the clear plastic bubbles from one of her gumball machine prizes it would look, "just right". She, of course, was absolutely spot-on and though I have no need fo a flying saucer just now, I am tempted to build one as proof of concept.

I am thrilled to have such wonderful design consultants.



  1. Future terrain builders of tomorrow!

    Sounds like a movie short at the beginning of MST3K!

  2. My oldest already does some pretty extensive modelling with junk cardboard and hot glue but it's nice to see the "little" one getting into it too.


  3. "Tempted"? It's pretty much mandatory methinks!

  4. As Gyro said, but not only do I think it is mandatory, I have done this, and use them as "Drop Pods."

    Yeah. Drop Pods.

  5. The great part of this theme is that my Daughter (now 25) and my son (now 24) still point out to me how this or that can be of use in my modelling projects!

    In addition, my daughter - now a fully qualified teacher is an un-paid proof reader!


  6. @Fett - We demand pictures. Post them to your blog?

    @Tony - I hope that my girls remember these moments when they are older.

  7. @Gyro - Mandatory eh? Might make for a fun quicky project.

  8. My wife is in on it, too, along with the kids.
    She works for a artificial turf company and brings home samples. She showed them to me and asked "would you classify this as rough or impassable terrain?"

  9. Baron Von: Color me jealous.

    Eli: You could always use them as a start on a Pulp collection. Now you just need Nazis with rocket packs. Always need Nazis with frikking rockets.

  10. Ah the joys of Fatherhood! I'm with
    Gyro here's mandatory...)


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