Sunday, September 19, 2010

Quar Progress

This last Thursday I received the rest of my Quar from Zombiesmith. Most of the order was Quar militia but there was also an accesory pack thaI needed to get my Crusaders going. I've included a few WIP pics of some of the conversions I am doing on them to give them a more rough and in the field look. I'm afriad they don't show the details very well, but it'll show up better after they are painted. I'm still learning how to make the putty go where it needs to.

A good example is the guy to the right. The grey stuff around his neck is a rough scarf and the wierd blob on his backpack is actually a Quar rag doll.

Take care,



  1. Scarf and netting fine I can live with those but the teddie - inspired. Looking forward to seeing these painted.

    One question 15mm or 28mm?


  2. Looking good man .... I like em. Very interesting look to them ... can't wait to see em painted

  3. Thanks guys.

    @ADB - These are the 28mm ones. If I ever decide to do massed combat with the Quar, I'll be picking up some of the 15mm ones. There is so much character in the Quar that I had to have some in 28mm.


  4. More and more I am wanting to get some of the Quar...

  5. Gotta warn you J, Quar are addictive. I want to buy more and more and more.


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