Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Looking For Spare or Unwanted 28mm Pulp Miniatures

Howdy All,

This is a sort of call to arms to all my gamer buddies out there. I recently picked up "Where Heroes Dare!" from Iron Ivan and am trying to locate 28mm figures suitable for Pulp Adventure games. As I plan to play this in skirmish scale, many of the manuefacturers out there are selling their figures in just too large of quantities to make them cost effective for a start-up. I'll be investing later as funds become available.

This is my second foray into 28mm pulp and as I sold off all my original collection, I am trying to start back up, but taking it slow. If anybody has any spare figures from the pulp genre, I am willing to talk trades or even purchase if the price isn't too high. I'd even be willing to consider trading line art for figs if you need anything drawn.

What am I looking for? Pretty much anythign but with a focus on personalities, thugs, minions, and 1930s era troops. Also looking for spare vehicles such as cars and trucks from the period. I will consider anything, really as pulp is so diverse a subject area.

Feel free to email me if you have anything to offer. My email address is in my profile. 

Thanks all,



  1. LOL, I think I am fimiliar with a good chunk of your collection.

  2. I say, rather fetching photo of Dita!


  3. Hi - I know I've happened upon this entry about two months too late, but have you checked out what Bob Murch is offering at


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