Thursday, September 23, 2010

ArmChairGeneral: WtNW: Conflict on Mars Sneek Peek (New Capital Unit and Terrain Rules)

This is a sneek peek from the up-coming WTNW: Conflict on Mars!

Low Gravity

If agreed to before the game, as an optional rule players may double the shoot range of all weapons. This is due to the lower gravity on Mars.

Red Sand Storms

A Red Sand Storm is a freak occurrence and offers no forewarning before it strikes with hurricane strength winds throwing up tones of the fine Martian sand. A Red Sand Storm comes in three categories; a Category One Red Sand Storm is four inches in diameter and will disperse after three turns, a Category Two Red Sand Storm is six inches in diameter and will disperse after three turns and a Category Three Red Sand Storm is ten inches in diameter and will disperse after three turns. All Red Sand Storms, regardless of their Category will disperse after three turns and cause three dice of damage to all units within it causing hits as it if were a ground unit attacking. Once on the table, a Red Sand Storm moves randomly three dice in inches each turn until it moves off the table or dies whichever happens first.

Artwork of the new race by Eli Arndt

Balee (Beast People)

These average human sized bipedal men stand between 4’ and 5” tall and weigh about as much as a normal human. Their faces are elongated with large predatory eyes and large mouths. They have extended snouts that resemble the Martian Vorsn (Wolf Creature) but that are where the similarities to the Earth wolf ends the rest of the creature looks like some form of hideous orangutan They have sharp teeth and their canines are tusk-like curving from their mouths to end in sharp points. They have mottled skin of light and dark browns. The males of the species and the females are both extremely hairy. They live in packs of between 300-1000 individuals and have a technology that rivals the Ruan. They prefer gaudy clothing and a reminiscent of the Renaissance on Earth.

ArmChairGeneral: WtNW: Conflict on Mars Sneek Peek (New Capital Unit and Terrain Rules)


  1. Rob. I still owe you a finished drawing of that race. Did I ever send you the rest of the sketches?

  2. I only have a few Eli. I've sent the first draft to J but we can always add them. Send them my way. I am probably going to try to see if Jim will allow me to use his ships etc in my book (the skipray etc) and then put together some nice miniature shots in game for the book as well as using your artwork. I have several supplements planned including this one but I am keeping them to around 30 pages each.


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