Friday, September 24, 2010

And Now for Something Completely Different...

  Howdy all.

I know I don't post here too regularly - it's Eli's blog, after all. But I thought I would take a moment to abuse my posting privileges here and mention yet another new project that I am contemplating at the moment. Well, mroe than contemplating, as money has been spent on rules: Field of Glory: Renaissance!

Looking through the rules, reading some of the cooler features, and with some familiarity with FOG: Ancients and Medieval, I am looking forward to playing this. I also have the first Companion, titled Wars of Religion for the Thirty Years War, English Civil War, and other general 17th Century European mayhem. The period is interesting to me because of the tactics, and the uniforms, and it just seems kinda... cool.
Here's a photo of a Thirty Years' War game in progress. I think it's Lutzen. Colorful horse, big banners, pikes and shot mixed... oh yeah, daddy likey!

And I think I have the wife on board for a purchase of Old Glory 15mm figures for it, too. If the club gets an order together big enough for the army 40% discount...

[Editor's Note: If you are not familiar with J's work check out his other blog's Victoria's Boys in Red and The Scattergun Gamer. He does some cool stuff on both of these.]


  1. Looks good. I love this period but alas am without local opponents.

  2. Opponents I have, in plenty. Figures, not so much. Oh, and opponents that I can beat - even fewer...

    But SWMBO has approved a purchase of at least the 30YW Swedes Starter army from Old Glory 15s. We are getting a group purchase together and hope to get the 40% discount OG offers for big orders.

  3. Just got the rules in the mail Saturday (pre-order from Amazon saved me almost $20!). First glance, very slick indeed. Also terrified of the 180 pages. I'm a 2 page Quick Reference sheet kinda guy, so it's not looking good for me and these rules to start with. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.

  4. This is a great game. I really enjoy playing it instead of Warrior when I get the chance.

  5. I'm on page 55 and have just got to the movement section. I'm terrified so far.


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