Friday, September 17, 2010


Cake not by me. Found on the internet!
Logged on today and saw that this blog had his the big 150!

I remember when ISLP reached 50 and I was amazed that that many people thought it was worth following. Then, when it hit 100, I finally let myself believe that I was on to something. To reach 150 makes my gamer snack-choked heart happy.

It is also today that marks the day where it finally really sunk in that both my kids are now in full-time school leaving me with substantially more unencumbered hours a day. Of course this also means that more will be required of me by the spouse, but it should also allow for more time in which I can get things done to post up here. With this in mind, let's see if I can mak ISLP worthy of 200 wonderful followers.

Here's to you all, regular, casual, and lurkers alike.

You are all AWESOME!



  1. congrats! Now people come check out ACG :) Shameless plug!

  2. Wow that's a huge number of followers! keep up the good work and more will certainly follow!

  3. Congrats !!! Now you should start a blog about baking birthday cakes !!!

  4. Wish that I could take credit for the cake, but it's just a picture found in a Google search.

  5. 150 followers, congrats! Now the pressure's on to provide quality content for all those readers!


  6. Congrates ..... 150 is just the one who "follow". I imagine you may have more than you think lol.

    Congrats on the great milestone

  7. Indeed! Which is why I was sure to thank those who do not follow.

    Though I use the followers as a gauge, I am well aware that there are likely many more who are not listed as such.


  8. First of all, congrats to you, Eli. ISLP is one of my favorite places on the web, to be honest.

    Second, paint me green with envy! GW Goblin Green, even.

    I'm still shy of the first fifty over at VBIR, and here you are at thrice that! And I started before you! Gah!

  9. Oh, and I forgot, you've got to give away a prize to your 150th follower now that you're part of the club!


  10. Congrats Eli I was surprised that I had even one, Rock On!


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