Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Storm Wardens Charity Contest

One of the things that sucks about moving is that things get past you. Before I packed up the computer, I had meant to plug this awesome contest being run for the benefit of the Doctor's Without Borders charity. There is a raffle going on for this benefit with the prize of a Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine army.

The details for this awesome contest can be found at Mik's Minis and the Minions of the Monster Master sites. Please, give it a look and even if you are not interested in the custom army being offered up, maybe you can donate a buck or two to help out the cause.

There ya go, short, sweet, and to the point.

Good going to Mik and his crew for backing this project.



  1. Thanks for the plug Eli! I tell ya, the grand prize here is awesome! There's also weekly drawing for other gamer loot too. So far we've given away a Storm Wardens shirt (drawn by Biscuit) and a $50 gift certificate to Secret Weapon Miniatures.

    Plus, the bottomline is that Docs w/o Borders is getting ALL of the proceeds.

  2. Good cause, so why not. Would you and Biscuit mind if I used the art from your blog to put a link on my side bar?


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