Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gads! I've Been Minionized!

Biscuit, resident artist over at the Minions of the Monster Master podcast, has been kind enough to render an image of me as a guest minion after airing my audio report on GameStorm. His style is incredible and not only is it me wearing one of my favorite t-shirts, signature camo shorts and sandals, but, he has also placed the Adventure Emu in the background.

This is just too much cool. If you haven't checked out their podcast before, you really must. From insights on the hobby, to gamer chatter, to real play sessions of games, it's all there. I only know of a few cool games because I heard about them on their podcast.

Thanks to Biscuit and all the minions!



  1. Oh you so suck! Notice my eyes - green with envy. That is too cool. And, as we have noted before, if you only removed the earrings, it could be me!

    How tall are you, anyway?

  2. 6' in the morning, 5'11" at bedtime?


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