Monday, May 3, 2010

Meet Yeti

Even as my family is still recovering from the sudden loss of a family member life goes on. We had commited to adopting one of our friend's kittens once they were old enough and today was the day. She is a mixed breed little thing with a nice white and grey coat with very faint striping and darker ears, nose, and tail.

The family has decided to name her Yeti and I think she was just the shot of warm, fuzzy cuteness and comfort that they needed after the loss of my sister-in-law early Sunday morning. Yeti will have a loving home and will provide a nice companion to my children, my wife and I as well as our older cat Oscar.



  1. aww cute kitty. As I said offline brother I am sorry about the loss. I am here for you too.

  2. I'm sorry, Eli. I hope the new kitty will bring some joy to your family.

  3. Condolences -yet I'm sure Yeti will ring some confort and joy to your home, specially to your children.

  4. Cute kitten. But then, all kittens are cute. Sadly, as time goes by, they become cats. I only have one use for cats, and it is only applicable if you have a rodent problem.

    However, if it brings some smiles to your daughters' (and wife's) faces, absolutely fantastic.

  5. I love cats. I love dogs. I've had all sortso f pets over the span of my life. All my cats have been full of personality and even had one that played fetch.

    The wee beasty spent the night sleeping on my head.

  6. "Himalaya is my old time stomping ground, oh yes, time is of the essence. Manitoba, better snows I've never found..." -Clutch

  7. Last night Mike was sitting on the couch watching TV, as usual, when he heard a soft voice from the kitchen.
    > "What would you like for dinner my Love?... Chicken, beef or lamb?"
    > He said, "Thank you, I'll have chicken."
    > She replied "You're having soup, asshole. I was talking to the cat."

  8. Take plenty of pics NOW cause it wont remain small and cute for long.



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