Thursday, May 27, 2010

Final Move Tomorrow

Hello All,

So the final step of the move from apartment to house occurs tomorrow. It should go down without a hitch with the exception of my internet service. There may be some time where I am unable to get on the internet with any regularity. I can check email from work, so that's not a biggy, but the blog posts may continue to be slow for a week or so until I can get my internet services transferred over to the new place. Hopefully things will go smoothly and there will be no undue delay. I can't wait to get back to working on projects.



  1. Best of luck with the move and both Heather and I wish you a happy and proseprous new home!


  2. Good luck with the move! Those "last few things" always seem to be a killer. Keep smiling!

  3. Add me to the 'good luck well-wishers' list!

  4. Thanks folks. Today we move the last 40% of my possessions. Furniture, electronics, freezer, some more boxes. Of course it's pouring down rain today (Washington, go figure) which means a lot of back and forth and getting wet but I've got a lot of help, so it should go pretty quick.

  5. have a great Memorial Day and good luck with the move!

  6. Be careful! Don't hurt your back!
    Have a great Memorial Day!

  7. Just an update for those following the move. I do not have internet access for then ext couple weeks so there will be if any blog posts.

    All the stuff is in the house, but due to our early move-in, my landlady is finishing a few projects around us. No big deal and happe to have her do so.

    Now, I just need to find all my stuff.



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