Thursday, April 8, 2010

VSF Fanzine Idea

Hello ladies and gents.

Inspired by my friend Eli's discovery of StarFrontiersman and the PDF fanzine produced by them, I am working on a fanzine of my own for VSF. I've titled it The Aethergraph, and I hope to have Vol. 1 Issue 1 ready in a week or so. Trust me, I'll let you know.

If any of you have any ideas, please let me know. I am planning on including a variety of articles, some as semi-regular features. Short fiction would be considered, and artwork (You listening, Eli?) would be greatly appreciated. battle reports and photos of battles would be great as well. I am hoping to get Issue 1 to about 8 pages. For now, I am using a newsletter style template from MS Publisher that I tweaked a tiny bit. That will do until I see that there is a demand for it. I'll be printing to PDF and posting links to download or read in the margins of VBIR for download. Yes Eli, I will make connections here, too. Heck, I may even go whole hog and try to set up a 'real' website.

Send any ideas you have to me at my new email:

For now, no advertisements or anything, except for plugs of figures used and such. I have used some images from manufacturer's websites, but will seek permission to use them before publishing.


  1. Cool.. Feel free to do a review of When the Navy Walked when it is completed :D

  2. I guess I'll need a copy of those rules first... (hint, hint!)

    Never thought about this: if the fanzine is popular, I could get FREE SWAG for reviewing stuff. Oh the delicious power...

  3. Only problem I can see is that crating a magazine and getting the free swag may stop you gaming!

    Good luck and if I can come up with any articles I'll send them on.


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